Facial Tracking in Blender 4.2.3

In this article, I’ll show you how to capture facial expressions using just a regular webcam—no iOS device or expensive equipment needed. Whenever I searched for ways to do facial tracking, I was disappointed because I didn’t have an iOS device. I even considered spending over 100,000 yen on specialized […]

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Update: OwenWard_rig_v1.0.1

Hi, there. I found some mistakes in my product, and fixed them. Check it!I used Blender 4.2.3. Why I didn’t notice this? I can’t believe me. What a bold line!And I rid of tiny problems. Fixed the clothes UV because the texture in this area was distorted. Thank you for […]

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What is Origin in Blender 4.2.3?

Hi there! I’ll write articles about Blender. If you check my articles, you can easily fix problems you will meet. What is Origin? The origin in Blender is represented by an orange point. This point is very important! It serves as the center point when you change the rotation, scale, […]

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Copy Bone Transform

Hi there, I created a tutorial video.I’m going to introduce an easy script for rigging. Check it! f you recreate an Armature using another rigging system, it will be helpful! You can use the same vertex weights. You have to change the vertex group names, though. If both armatures use […]

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Welcome to the Fun Creation Blog!

What is Fun Creation? Hello, and thank you for visiting Fun Creation! I’m thrilled to have you here. At Fun Creation, my goal is to support creators like you in finding opportunities and achieving your creative dreams. As an illustrator in the Japanese game industry, I understand the complexities of […]

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