Welcome to the Fun Creation Blog!

What is Fun Creation?

Hello, and thank you for visiting Fun Creation! I’m thrilled to have you here.

At Fun Creation, my goal is to support creators like you in finding opportunities and achieving your creative dreams. As an illustrator in the Japanese game industry, I understand the complexities of creative work.

Creating something from scratch can be incredibly challenging. That’s why I focus on providing high-quality characters for you. I love drawing manga and anime characters, and I know many creators find it easier to work with established elements rather than starting from zero.

By offering my characters, I aim to make your creative process smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re working on animation, shaders, compositing, backgrounds, or costume design, my characters are designed to inspire and enhance your projects.


How do I use our 3D models?

When working on client commissions, creators must bring the client’s vision to life. This requires not just technical skills but also the ability to interpret and visualize the material creatively.
To hone these skills, we encourage using our characters as a practice tool. Explore various settings and let your imagination run wild. Consider how the character’s attitude might shape its actions. How would it move?
Use the provided material as a foundation to express your unique creative touch. This practice will help you better align with client expectations and bring your artistic vision to the forefront.



I can’t wait to see the incredible work you create! If you use my characters in your projects, please share them with us by using the hashtag #FunCreation_3D or tagging @FunCreation_X on X.

Happy creating!




Fun Creationとは?

こんにちは、Fun Creationにお越しいただきありがとうございます!あなたとお会いできてとても嬉しいです。

Fun Creationでは、クリエイターであるあなたが機会を見つけ、創造的な夢を実現できるようサポートすることを目指しています。私は日本のゲーム業界でイラストレーターとして活動しており、創造的な仕事の複雑さを理解しています。










Happy creating!

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