Hi there! I fixed the Owen’s rig.
If you don’t want to re-download the data, check this article and try fixing your data.
1. Glass rig
Disable the Copy Transform constraint of “MCH-string_00”.
I think it’s easier to set a pose than it’s enabled. You can use it or reduce the influence if you want.
First, find “CTL-glass” and “MCH-glass” in the Data tab and turn on the stars. You need to turn ones off later to display other rigs!

Select “MCH-string_00” in Pose Mode.
Switch to the constraint tab.
Disable “Copy Transform” or reduce the influence value.

2. Fix the parents of Arm_IK_pole
Sorry, I didn’t realize this bug.
Switching the parent system is very helpful for creating animation. It was broken.
First, find “IK-Arm.L”, “IK-Arm.R”, and “MCH-arm” in the Data tab and turn on the stars. You need to turn ones off later to display other rigs!

Change their parent settings in Edit Mode.
Currenly, Arm_IK_pole.L, Arm_IK_pole.R, Hand_IK.L, and Hand_IK.R is parented with world.
Fix them.
Arm_IK_pole.L → MCH-arm_IK_parent_pole.L
Arm_IK_pole.R → MCH-arm_IK_parent_pole.R
Hand_IK.L → MCH-arm_IK_parent.L
Hand_IK.R → MCH-arm_IK_parent.R
Next, remove the parents of “MCH-arm_IK_parent_pole.L” and “MCH-arm_IK_parent_pole.L.
If it’s correct, it will snap your IK rigs to the position where you selected.
Thank you for checking this update! If you find a problem, let me know.
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