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What is Origin?
The origin in Blender is represented by an orange point. This point is very important! It serves as the center point when you change the rotation, scale, and location of objects.
If you export your data to other game engines or VR games, this point will serve as the center.

When does the Origin move?
The origin moves when you press “G” with your selected objects in Object Mode, not in Edit Mode.
How to control an origin point?
If you want to match an origin point to another origin point, press “Shift + S” and select “Cursor to Selected.”
Next, right-click → Set Origin → Origin to 3D Cursor.
To change the origin point to the center of a selected object, right-click → Set Origin → Origin to Geometry.
To match an origin point to the center of the world, press “Ctrl + A” and select “Location.”
For detailed adjustments to the origin, please refer to the video linked below.
I recommend matching the origin point of a set with an Armature and an object to avoid bugs.
Thank you for reading my article! Fun Creation will provide useful tips about Blender!
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