Hi there, I created a tutorial video.
I’m going to introduce an easy script for rigging. Check it!
f you recreate an Armature using another rigging system, it will be helpful! You can use the same vertex weights. You have to change the vertex group names, though. If both armatures use the same bone names, adding just a few lines of script will make the operations easier.
両方の Armature で同じボーン名を使用していれば、数行のスクリプトを追加することでもっと楽ができます。
You can use the below code by copying and pasting it in Blender.
bl_info = {
"name" : "selected bone copyTransform",
"author" : "Fun Creation: Yasumasa Makoto",
"version" : (1,0),
"blender" : (4,0,1),
"location" : "",
"description" : "In edit mode, Copy transform of the active bone to selected bones",
"warning" : "",
"wiki_url" : "",
"category" : "Rigging",
import bpy
#selected bones in editmode
selected_editable_bones = bpy.context.selected_editable_bones
#Active Bone
active_bone = bpy.context.active_bone
#selected Armature objct
armature_obj = bpy.context.object
for bone in selected_editable_bones:
# Copy transform of the active bone to selected bones
bone.head = active_bone.head
bone.head_radius = active_bone.head_radius
bone.tail = active_bone.tail
bone.tail_radius = active_bone.tail_radius
bone.roll = active_bone.roll
bone.length = active_bone.length
bone.envelope_distance = active_bone.envelope_distance
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