Hi there! This article is updated information on 3D Character Model: Owen Ward v2.0.1.
I fixed around custom properties. If you don’t mind the presence of properties that you never use, the only thing you need to do is turn on one Library Overridable.
1. Delete some custom properties
I removed unneeded custom properties. They were generated while I was testing a Python script.
All of the properties you need in the controller’s bones are on custom bones.
The unneeded properties are on the IK and FK controller bones.

2. Turn on Library Overridable
I forgot to check the box of Library Overridable of the Arm_IK_FK.L. If it doesn’t, you can’t adjust the value when you use Library Override.
I’ll write what is Library Override soon.

Thank you for checking this update! If you find a problem, let me know.
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